Saturday, January 31, 2015

Not the future

The truth is we all tried
We all gave it a go
I was sold hook line & sinker
That the future could hold it all
Dreams, words, love
All infinite
All possible
And another truth - no one knows the future
You were honest about the strands
Nothing is certain
The strands could have woven that web
But they didn't
And we tried
The heartache comes in waves
And right now
I'm drowning in it
Tonight I vow to not take my future someone (if there is one) for granted
I read your old emails
The everyday poetry of you & me
And I want to learn not to do this again
It may be too late for me to not take you & our time together for granted as that time diminishes
As it shrinks by the day
By the moment
I finally learned to savor you
To appreciate you
But it's too late, isn't it?
I want to make sure I don't do it again.
I'm sure now. I sit alone day after day & I'm not going to forget this lesson.
When they're there, don't take for granted that they'll be there tomorrow. Savor it right now 'cause tomorrow its just you & the memory of soft hugs & immeasurable tenderness.
We all tried.
And we all know.
We just don't say it outloud.

She'll never see a shooting star cause she'll never make time to look up at the night sky.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Robot love

i tried
to spill my oil onto canvas
to show you
to let you see my insides
but all they are is nuts and bolts
no magic inside here
nothing and that's exactly what you feel
i see my soul poured out trying to show you how you make this robot feel
how you take my robot cold away
you see spilled oil
I'll clean it up so i don't get it on your shoes
you can warm me
but a robot can't warm you
you can create wonder
that brightens my days
light that you give and I take with me everywhere
I can create oil spills
all I'll ever do is ruin your shoes

I swear to you this robot feels
when i hear your voice
when i read your words
when i see your smile
when i hear you tease
I want to be more then a calculator
I want to be more then a taxi
I want to be more then a forklift
I want to be more then a clock
and so I reach, i create with my robot fingers
a robot poem
a robot song
a robot story
a robot movie
to show you
try to show you
each one
but all you see is a robot getting oil on you
and oil is poison
to creatures with wings
my oil is poison
you can put me back together when i fall apart
you can feel my robot love when i calculate or taxi or lift or tick tock
but you can't feel my robot love in anything I have ever made for you
you make that face like when Toothless vomits up partially digested fish and offers it
you pat my head and say thank you so politely.  I like it.  I like the smell of vomited fish. and then you go wash your hands.  wash the gross robot off.
I'm just a stupid robot getting oil all over your wings
I don't want you to put me back together anymore
I don't want to get my poison on you anymore
I'm tired of taking light and only giving you oil back.