Monday, February 23, 2015

My straight girlfriend

My straight girlfriend

Pulls away from me when I kiss her
And instead offers me a nice friendly hug.
She calls "making out" a fast and tight lipped kiss to my face. So fast I can barely register if her lips even touched mine.

She karate chops my boobs and calls that sensual.

Her bicurious eye only surfacing for Emma Watson, or Shakira or some multiracial gorgeous model.
Not Emma Stone or Christina Ricci or Ellen Page. The only celebrities I have anything in common with. She likes dark skin not pale & freckly things like me.
I bet she wouldn't karate chop Emma Watson's boobs if they were alone in the shower together. I bet she'd open up her mouth if she was kissing someone she was actually attracted to. I bet she would find a way to touch them instead of lame ass excuses to get away from them. I bet she wouldn't call Emma Watson "weird" and "aggressive" if EW tried to kiss my straight ass girlfriend.

No what's "weird" is being in a relationship with someone you don't want to kiss.

If you don't want to open your mouth for a kiss then at least open it for the truth.